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# Title
1 From Thomas Palmer, The Sprite of Trees and Herbs (1599) M
2 From Nicholas Breton, Melancholic Humours (1600), ‘In Authorem’ M
3 Fragments from England’s Parnassus (1600) M
4 Elegy on Thomas Nashe, ‘Ad Carissimam Memoriam Thomae Nashi’ (1601) M
5 From Robert Chester, Love's Martyr, 'The Phoenix Analysed' (1601) M
6 From Robert Chester, Love's Martyr, Ode ‘ἔνϑουσιαστιϰκὴ’ [‘Splendour! O more than mortal’] (1601) M
7 Ode (‘If men and times were now’) M
8 An Epistle to a Friend (‘Censure not sharply, then’) M
9 A Speech out of Lucan (‘Just and fit actions, Ptolemy, he saith’) M
10 From Hugh Holland, Pancharis (1603), Ode ἀλληγοριϰκὴ (‘Who saith our times nor have, nor can’) M
11 A Panegyre on the Happy Entrance of James ... to His First High Session of Parliament (1604) M
12 From Thomas Wright, The Passions of the Mind in General (1604), ‘To the Author’ M
13 From John Fletcher, The Faithful Shepherdess (1609-10), ‘To the Worthy Author, Master John Fletcher’ M
14 From Coryate’s Crudities (1611), ‘Certain Opening and Drawing Distichs’ M
15 From Coryate’s Crudities (1611), ‘The Character of the Famous Odcombian’ M
16 From Coryate’s Crudities (1611), ‘To the Right Noble Tom Tell-Truth of His Travails’ M
17 From Coryate’s Crambe (1611), ‘Certain Verses’ M
18 From Thomas Farnaby’s edition of Juvenal, Persius, and Seneca (1612), Juvenal, ‘Temporibus lux magna fuit Iuvenalis avitis’ M
19 From Thomas Farnaby’s edition of Juvenal, Persius, and Seneca (1612), Persius, ‘Cum Iuvenale tuo, Farnabi, Persius exit’ M
20 From Thomas Farnaby’s edition of Juvenal, Persius, and Seneca (1612), Seneca, ‘Commoedias trustalis Plauti mola’ ‘ M